To honour the John Tynes Ain’t Dead Unknown Armies Writing Jam, Strange.Domains will present the first ALICE Awards, given to a subset of the entries to the Writing Jam.
The ALICE Award Categories:
- America the Free Award: Awarded to entries which play on the American Spirit, ranging from “The Notorious RGB” purses to Trump-brand M4 assault rifles to manifest destiny in a teacup.
- Limitless Space Award: Awarded to entries which play on fears of consumption, suffocation, drowning, the void, the endless sky, emptiness, hollowness, being a shell, having no light underneath the surface, philosophical zombies, or outer space in-of-itself.
- International Award: Awarded to entries which expand their source posts to other countries.
- Cyberpunk in Unknown Armies Award: Awarded to entries which incorporate at least one of the following – technomancers, the symbolic power of technology, artificial intelligence, the future is the present, virtual reality, or GNOMON.
- Excellent Job Award: Awarded to entries that were deemed to have done an excellent job. One per participant.
ALICE Awards will be awarded to all participants of the John Tynes Ain’t Dead Writing Jam at some point in the year 2025.